Our Vision
God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.
More about
Who we Are
What we believe
We are associated with the World-wide Mennonite church , and subscribe to the general statement of faith and practise of the Mennonite Church. A summary of that statement of faith can be found here:
About the Anabaptist Faith:
The Mennonite faith is generally know as Anabaptist.
More information about Anabaptists can be found at:
Our Staff
Jodi Epp
Strategic Planning Team
Grace Poettcker & Shelley Bueckert
Worship Ministries Co-Chair
Evan Bueckert
Education Ministries Chair
Trevor Siemens
Spiritual Care Ministries Chair
Donna Bueckert
Missions & Services Ministries Chair
Emily Summach
Governing Board
Rita Hanoski
Congregational Chair
Marianne Siemens
Congregational Secretary
Steve Kroeger
Trustee Chair
Kevin Crowe
David Wiebe
Volunteer Coordinator
Len Andres
Administration Minister
Emily Summach
Related Organizations and Affiliations:
Church Affiliation:
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan (Regional Church)
MC Sask
Mennonite Church Canada (National Church)
MC Canada
Mennonite World Conference
(A global community of Anabaptist related churches)
Service Partners:
Relief, development and peace in the name of Christ
MCC Canada
Responding in Christian love to people affected by disasters in
North America:
Canadian Food Grains Bank; A Christian response to hunger.
Justice Partners:
Reaching out to those who have been impacted by crime:
Micah Mission
Supporting offenders in reintegration to community:
Parkland Restorative Justice and Circles of Support
Education Affiliation:
Rosthern Junior College: Grades 10 - 12 High School
Canadian Mennonite University
Conrad Grebel University College
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Printed and Media Resources:
Common Word: Bookstore and Resource Centre
Common Word
Menno Media
Canadian online store for Anabaptist curriculum and periodicals
Menno Media