Missions and Service

The Missions and Service ministry provides leadership and congregational resources for various ad-hoc and ongoing sub-committees, and service groups that are involved with service and ministry to our community, and beyond.

Current Missions
Service Projects

MDS 2023 Cape Breton

Hurricane Fiona struck Nova Scotia on September 24, 2022 with sustained winds of 140 km/hour, uprooting trees, tearing off roofs and turning lives upside down. Evidence of Hurricane Fiona are everywhere eight months after the storm hit. Many homes haven't been repaired or rebuilt because disaster relief hasn't arrived, or because there are no contractors available to do the work. Enter MDS.

A couple groups of people from our congregation volunteered this spring to go to Cape Breton and help with reconstruction.  

This  video contains a series of photos showing the homes that were worked on.

Here is a  script that goes with the video.  The script has numbers to correspond with the slides on the video.  Also the names of the volunteers whose comments and pictures come next.  You can download and print the script and follow along with the video.  You will likely need to keep your cursor on the pause button as you watch and read the script.  Or you can just watch the video, and read the script later.  Or I leave it to your ingenuity, you might be able to watch the YouTube video on your smart TV and read the script on another device.  Enjoy!

Past Missions
Service Projects

Princeton April 2022 Mennonite Disaster Service

A number of people from the congregation went to Princeton BC to assist with cleanup and reconstruction. 
Our volunteers joined three groups of volunteers from other churches in Canada on three separate weeks. 
Here are photos of the volunteers, the projects and the flood damage they witnessed.  


MRMC Sponsor a Meal at Friendship Inn

Mount Royal Mennonite Church volunteers at work on January 8th, 2022 at Friendship Inn - Sponsor a Meal project.  Thank you everyone that came to help out,  Sam and the crew at Friendship Inn were very appreciative of the work we did!  Additionally our financial support was for $3165.00!  Thank you to everyone at MRMC that contributed!

This is an ongoing project.  Donations toward the next sponsored meal will be added to the Friendship Inn meal sponsorship fund for a future date when we do this again.  When donating, designate to 'Friendship Inn meal project' or simply 'FINN.'  Watch this webpage for the next opportunity (date) to volunteer to help with preparing and serving the meal.

Friendship Inn Christmas Card Fundraiser

These original paintings turned into cards by Jodi Epp are being sold to raise money for the Friendship Inn. 

8.00 for individual cards, or a set with 1 of each the 11 for 70.00.   (other larger quantity orders can be negotiated individually) 50% of the money raised will be donated. 

Order deadline is November 27, 2023 which allows time for printing and delivery in early December. 

Please email Jodi Epp at eppitizers@outlook.com to place orders or enquire further. 

Payment is due with the order, and can be cash or etransfer. 


MRMC Missions Ministry Team has accepted another mission that all too often 
seems like a truly Impossible Mission for many of our newest members of our
local community!

The Mission: Inject funds into the Emergency Fund at the Global Gathering

Mission Details: Missions Ministry reached out to Global Gathering Place with
an invitation to help where we could and we were presented with an immediate
need for a Small child sized wheelchair for 6 year old Hamzi from Somalia
(see attached document).  This part of the mission was accomplished with the
purchase of a 16” x 16” wheel chair for the GGP to loan to the family. 
Additionally, ongoing support to the Emergency Fund is required to help pay
for internet for those that have no means, purchasing enough groceries to
survive for a day or 2, purchasing bus passes etc. etc. etc.

How can you help with this Mission:  By donating to the Global Gathering Place
Emergency Fund
You will help make the seemingly impossible reality of
transitioning life from a community on the other side of the world to our
community ….POSSIBLE!

Donations can be made to MRMC and designated to GGP.  Receipts will be issued.

Operation Potato Peeler

As we all know, 2020 has created challenges that many of us have never encountered before. These challenges have impacted Global and Local Communities, stretching resources for those most vulnerable and the organizations like The Friendship Inn that are on the frontlines serving those communities. Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 The Friendship Inn has experienced a rapid decline in volunteer participation. They rely on volunteers to prepare and serve a healthy Breakfast and Lunch to 300 500 guests every day.

Full project details HerE


Refugee Sponsorship

MRMC has a long history of working with MCC to sponsor refugees, beginning with Vietnamese Boat people and Salvadoran refugees in the 70’s and 80’s.  Since then we have worked with refugees from the Congo and more recently from Syria.  

Hold your cursor over a photo below to see the story behind it.

Leonie and Stephane

In 2000, during an ‘Africa Sunday’ the Lwamba brothers, a recently arrived family group from Eastern Congo who sang as a musical group called Krystal, asked for MRMC’s help in bringing their two sisters to Canada. After a long and difficult process, Leonie with 5 children arrived in March of 2004. At Christmas that year we learned that Leonie’s husband had been located in a refugee camp in Africa. We decided to apply to sponsor him under the family reunification process. It took until August 2010 before we were able to welcome Stephane, Leonie’s husband to Saskatoon. (Photo)

Omar and Ramia's story

Most recently, the refugee situation brought about by the conflict in Syria, prompted us to reach out to MCC and once again seek to sponsor a refugee. In May 2016 a family of 6 were welcomed at the airport, and taken to their new home in Saskatoon.  We spent many hours sometimes with the help of human interpreters and sometimes using Google Translate, learning to know this friendly family; helping the children orient to school and getting the parents enrolled in EAL (English as an Additional Language) classes.

Ali and Fathiyeh story

It wasn't long after Ramia and Omar were in Canada, and had learned to communicate with us that Ramia began to tell us about a brother and family who were having difficulties in their refugee camp.  Together we approached MCC to see what could done.  Eventually MCC was able to arrange to sponsor the family, with the Mennonite church in Langham as sponsor.  We agreed to assist the Langham church with some funds and with the benefit of our prior experience.  In October 2019 Ramia and family were able to greet her brother Ali and his family at the airport.

Annual Spring Food Drive

For the past several years we have been involved with the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre's spring city wide food drive.  Our church volunteers collected the food donations from the physical neighbourhood around the church, and delivered it to collection centers for the Food Bank.