Education Ministry
Sunday School for pre-kindergarten through grade 6 - begins following the "Story for all ages" in the worship service.

Shine: Living in God's Light
We use this Sunday school curriculum for age 3 to grade 8. It is designed to engage Christian communities in their life together.
- calls children to experience the transforming power of God’s love.
- nurtures trust in God and invites children to follow Jesus.
- encourages imaginative, interactive biblical storytelling.
- explores the meaning of the Bible within the community.
- invites all ages to shine God’s light in the world.
MRMC Lending Library
We have a small library with reference books, Mennonite and Evangelical History, Youth and Adult Fiction and Children's Books.
Checking out books is done on the honour system. Use the check-out cards provided in the book. There is no fixed borrow time limit, you may hold a book for as long as you need it, but please return books when you are done with them.
Click on the picture to go to the online catalog of the books available.
The Family of Jesus
By: Karen Kingsbury
The Family of Jesus offers a fictional view of six of the family members of Jesus, all anchored in Scriptural truth, creating a life-changing and unprecedented emotional connection to the Bible.
Excerpt from Book promotional description.
Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry
by: Steve Heinrichs
How can North Americans come to terms with the lamentable clash between indigenous and settler cultures, faiths, and attitudes toward creation? Showcasing a variety of voices-both traditional and Christian, native and non-native-Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry offers up alternative histories, radical theologies, and poetic, life-giving memories that can unsettle our souls and work toward reconciliation.