Recognizing that we are a Church that exists for missions and that missions takes many forms, we understand the need for life-long Christian education that covers all aspects of Christian life and practise. We want to provide our children with a basis for faith, and to support the ministry of adults and youth by modeling leadership, witness and the value of scriptural learning. This ministry is dedicated to providing resources and guidance for those tasks.
Ministries of MRMC
The work of our church is varied and has changed over time. At present we have organized our work into these ministries.
Missions & Service
Spiritual Care
The work of these ministries is highlighted in these pages of our website.

Worship Ministry
Congregational worship and fellowship are vital to the life of a congregation. We recognize that because persons experience worship in varying forms we need to seek to provide multiple opportunities for expression; to ensure that, as much as possible, everyone including children, youth and young adults experience worship in meaningful ways.
This ministry is dedicated to assisting the Pastor(s) in providing a meaningful worship experience for all ages in the congregation.

Youth Ministry
The primary focus of this ministry is to provide both atmosphere and specific experiences that will welcome and integrate youth into the community of faith while facilitating their being and becoming unique expressions of God’s love in the world through a dynamic and disciplined relationship with Christ and the church.
Recognizing that we are a Church that exists for mission and to serve others in the name of Christ, we understand the need for a Christian voice and presence in our neighbourhood, however that is defined. Also recognizing that service and mission are related, we want to support and provide opportunities for individual and congregational learning and service.

As a church we have chosen to set apart members from within our congregation to participate in the ministry of the congregation, specifically for the purpose of assisting the pastoral team in spiritual and caring aspects of congregational life.
What is the mission of the church?
Our biblical mission is to nurture each other as we grow through worship, study and prayer; seeking to obey God’s call to bring healing, wholeness and hope to our world through Jesus Christ.