God's promise of blessing

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Bulletin Watch

Series:           NEW YEAR, SAME PROMISES

A new year.  We begin with high hopes, with resolutions to change, with new expectations of our lives.  But in spite of good intentions, most things stay the same.  This may be cause for disappointment, but there is some consistency we can celebrate.  God’s promises do not change with the calendar or the latest pop trends.  We want to begin this new year appreciating God’s steadfast loving kindness and God’s unbreakable promises.

Sermon:        ‘God’s promise of blessing’

Scripture:      Matthew 5.1-12

Reading different translations is instructive.  We are used to reading the Beatitudes as ‘blessed are you’ but other translations offer these possibilities:  lucky, happy, debonair, honored, favored, wonderful.  However we say it, the promise of the Beatitudes is for something good to emerge from the debris of something not good.  Can we entrust ourselves to the God who speaks special promises for the small, the suffering, the shy, the sorrowful? 

All are welcome to worship with us online or in-person @ 10:00 am.