Palm Sunday

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Bulletin Watch Part 1 Watch part 2

April 2, 2023

Series:   A Table in the Wilderness



Scripture:      Matthew 14.13-23      

Sermon:        ‘A table in the wilderness for a hungry crowd’

The disciples are exhausted and want to send the hungry crowd of people away. But when Jesus sees the crowd he feels not revulsion, not self-protection, not hopelessness, but compassion. This is a miracle of multiplication. Jesus takes the little that his tired and overwhelmed disciples have and multiplies it to meet a need that, humanly speaking, his disciples could never meet. What a faith lesson for us, his overwhelmed people in a busy world, in a wilderness time of political unrest, wars, refugees, climate change, and everyday challenges in our local communities and congregations.

All are welcome to worship with us online or in-person @ 10:00 am.