Hiding in plain view

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Bulletin Watch

Scripture:      Luke 24.13-35

Sermon:        ‘Hiding in plain view’         

I am feeling a prompt to use this story as a reminder that we are on a faith journey. We experience the discouragement of the disciples, the teachings of Jesus from the biblical text, and then the final recognition of the resurrected Jesus as he takes, gives thanks and breaks the bread. Our spiritual lives most resemble a pilgrimage as we seek for Jesus, only to discover that he is on the journey with us. And the journey is not complete until we share the energy and the excitement of Jesus with others. This text speaks to me of quest - of discovery - of mission. As someone has said, they want to use their retirement years as a time to become a saint. We are all on that journey.  [Claire]

All are welcome to worship with us online or in-person @ 10:00 am.