Five Minutes on Friday #70


Muhammed Ali once refused to fasten his seat belt on an airplane.  When the stewardess insisted he replied, ‘Superman don’t need no seatbelt!’   She tartly replied, ‘Superman don’t need no airplane either!’  He buckled up. 


MENNONITES REPENT OF ANTI-MUSIC ‘SINS OF THE FATHERS’ The children of a Mennonite revivalist apologized for a 1927 ban on musical instruments that forced a neighbor family to get rid of two pianos, destroy an organ, and hide a violin. At the time, the Virginia Mennonite Conference mandated a cappella singing in worship services, since there is no record of musical instruments in New Testament churches. Bishop George R. Brunk and his son revivalist George R. Brunk II also believed using instruments outside of church was a slippery slope to improper worship. The Brunks successfully pushed the conference to enact additional prohibitions. It had an immediate effect on their neighbors, Chester and Myra Lehman, who were forced to choose between their church and their music. Five Brunk siblings apologized 93 years later. They noted in the public letter, “It is often later generations upon whom the responsibility falls to apologize for ‘the sins of the fathers.’ ”     [Christianity Today, April issue]


“Lynn Jost, a professor at Fresno Pacific University, writes in the Christian Century  commenting on John 9 where the “ask, seek, knock” Galilean inquirer Jesus who questions and confronts also invites us to join a “community of the curious.”  Lynn warns us that inquiry is dangerous and curiosity is threatening, but we do it anyway to follow the master questioner. Yes, Lynn, we join you in searching, seeking, questioning and pursuing a divine treasure hunt.”   [cited by David & Leeann Augsburger]


Warm CONGRATS and BEST WISHES on your 60th Anniversary - WOWee that is quite something indeed. May you find Psalm150 your Psalm today.

We have fond memories of our experience at M.R. We are now OLD FOLKS - I am 85 and Erna is 84. Healthwise we are doing well. Glad of my recovery after my cardiac arrest on Jan.4/08 and Open Heart Surgery-a quad by-pass. We do ample exercise for our age.


God bless! -WalteRNa

[Walt and Erna Braun pastored MRMC from 1977-87]


SUNDAY – 1 Peter 2.2-10

In an early Christian writing, The Shepherd of Hermas, the stone image becomes an allegorical tale with a moral.

       A certain person decided to build a church.  To insure strength and durability, the builder carefully selected stones all exactly alike: same size, shape, and color.  They were put in place with pride and confidence, but when the wind blew and the storm rose, the church was destroyed. Another builder decided to construct a church.  Stones of different shapes, and sizes, and colors were gathered.  How could such a church survive?  Strong cement was mixed and applied between the stones.  When the wind blew and the storm rose, the church stood firm.  Such is the power of mutual love.  

For Reflection:

What do the following words mean when applied to Jesus?

       Living stone                                                                        

       Rejected stone                                                             

       Chosen stone                                                               

       Precious stone 

What sacrifices would be acceptable to God (v.5)?

Why does the Chief Cornerstone become a stumbling-block to some? – God has chosen me