Psalm 99

Holy, Holy, Holy

Psalm 99 is the last of the Enthronement Psalms that proclaim that Yahweh reigns not only over little Israel, but also over the entire world.  It draws attention to Yahweh’s reign with its symbolic use of numbers, notably seven and three.  Seven is the biblical number of perfection and three the number of Divinity.  Yahweh is mentioned seven times, and the Psalm has three parts highlighting some characteristic of Yahweh’s kingship.  Each section concludes with the word holy (v.3,5,9).   Psalm 99 is a perfect Psalm for a perfect King.

First, Yahweh is King over all the earth (v.1-3), so “let the nations tremble, let the earth shake… he is exalted over all the nations….They should confess Your name for You are holy.”

Second, Yahweh is wholly other in that “he loves justice” (verse 4-5).  Unlike the Vladimir Putins (and other tyrants) of this world, Yahweh uses His might to do justice.  Therefore, “Magnify the Lord, our God!  bow low at His footstool!  Yahweh is holy!”  Yahweh does what human rulers so often don’t do, namely, take care of the needs of all their citizens.

Third, Yahweh’s holiness is demonstrated in his mercy (v.6-9).  Psalm 99 focuses on three great leaders of Israel, Moses, Aaron, and Samuel who had called on Yahweh in time of need.  In his holy mercy, God answered them. 

All this talk of Yahweh’s holiness should move us to do exactly what Psalm 99 commands three times.  “Exalt Yahweh our God.” 

 This week I offer three music selections to help you focus on the beauty, holiness, and greatness of God.  As you read the Psalm and listen to the music reflect on where you have seen God at work in your life in this last week –month, and give thanks.


Now Thank We All Our God (Tune: Nun Danket )


"Praise God From Whom," DEDICATION ANTHEM, 118/606

The concluding hymn of the 30+ hour hymnal marathon at Goshen College, November, 2014.