The spendthriftiness of love

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Bulletin Message Watch

This week we look at the parable of the ‘talents’ in Matthew 25.14-30.  Talent here refers not to abilities or gifts but to a monetary fund. The parable of the talents is the third in a trio of parables: The Faithful and the Unfaithful Servants (24:45-51), the Ten Bridesmaids(25:1-13), and, now, The Talents (25:14-30). All three of these parables have common features. In all three a powerful figure goes away for a time. In his absence people act in two contrasting ways. When he returns, he responds positively to the ones who did well and he judges those who did not. 
The phrase "entrusted his property" (25:14) is the same phrase used in the parable of the unfaithful steward (24:47). This tips off the reader that the issue here will be the faithful maintenance of a trust.