Five Minutes on Friday #14


Bishop Desmond Tutu (recently deceased) tells the story of, when engaged in the struggle against anti-apartheid, about 50 church leaders gathered for a march.  Though their march was peaceful, the police arrested them all and threw them in jail.

While they were locked up they spent the time praying, singing, and sharing in fellowship.  One of the ministers exclaimed that he had been trying for years to get this group of leaders together for discussions on church unity, but had been unable to get them all together.  But, there in jail, more was accomplished toward church unity than all their earlier efforts combined.  Talk about finding God in the unexpected!



Renowned scientist, Jane Goodall says that as a student she was told ‘that to be a good scientist you have to be objective.  Therefore you cannot have empathy with what you are studying.  That is so wrong.  It’s having empathy with what you’re studying that gives you those ‘aha’ moments.’   [Religion News Service, May 20/21]

I would suggest that empathy is also essential to good theological study.  


SUNDAY, January 16

Scripture:   John 2.1-11

Jesus’ first miracle (called sign in John) takes place in a little non-descript town named Cana.  Ralph Milton relates the following story:         Another delightful thing is that there are at least three locations in Israel that claim to be the biblical Cana and have absolutely the exact water jugs Jesus used to make the wine.
Which reminds me of the story of two churches in Europe – France, I think – that both claimed to have the desiccated head of John the Baptizer. When this was called to the attention of the priest in one of the churches, the reply was, “Well, theirs is the head of John the Baptizer as a young man.”
    [Ralph Milton in Rumours]


What does this story tell you about Mary?  About Jesus?  About the servants?

How do you feel about the extravagance?

What’s the ‘wine level’ in your life like?  Full, half-full, empty?

‘This is love’  -  Steve Bell