I am the living bread

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Bulletin Watch


March 13, 2022    ‘I AM the bread of life’

Scripture :   John 6.24-35,51

This year our Lenten series will focus on the seven ‘I AM’ statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John.  This week we focus on Jesus, the bread of life.  What does bread do for us that is like what Jesus can do for us spiritually?  What does your daily spiritual diet look like?

Join us for worship at 10:00 am on Sunday in person or online.  All are welcome!

In keeping with Saskatchewan Health recommendations, persons with or without masks are equally welcome.  Go here to read more about our COVID related considerations.


*IMAGE: A solemn group of dark figures stand in a row just inside the Early Twentieth-Century Gallery bridge at Crystal Bridges. Slump-shouldered, straight-faced, and dressed in nondescript overcoats and battered hats, the life-sized figures are arranged against a wall of dark brick. These are George Segal’s Depression Bread Line.