WE DECLARE: Getting our bearings

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Bulletin Watch

June 12, 2022           

Worship series:    WE DECLARE (1)     

Scripture :     1 John 1.1-4   

This week we begin a series entitled - WE DECLARE.  It is based on materials prepared for this summers MC Canada Assembly in Edmonton in July.

The theme is an important one.  Our congregations are changing: getting older, more diverse, smaller.  The role of the church socially is less clear than it used to be; we no longer have the social or political influence we took for granted.  Into such a time what does our distinctive Christian message have that is good news for our religiously plural and diverse world?  And how can we confidently, yet humbly, be bearers of that good news?

Join us for worship at 10:00 am this Sunday in person or online.  All are welcome!