THANKSGIVING SUNDAY: Jubilee & the Honorable Harvest

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Scripture:   Leviticus 25.1-12; Psalm 24.1; Luke 4.16-21

Sermon:        TODAY!

Robin Wall Kimmerer speaks, from an Indigenous perspective, of the importance of practicing an Honorable Harvest as we receive earth’s bounty:  ‘Never take the first, and never take the last.  Take only what you need and leave some for others.  Be grateful.  Reciprocate the gift.  Sustain the ones who sustain you.’  What do our Biblical teachings of Jubilee and Sabbath have to say about how we can live in harmony with the earth?   Both the Honorable Harvest and the Year of Jubilee are covenants that respect and honour the earth.  How do we offer Thanksgiving for the good ‘material’ gifts we have been given?

Worship begins at 10:00 am and ALL are welcome.