When hope and history rhyme

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Bulletin Watch

October 23, 2022

Sermon:        ‘When hope and history rhyme’

Scripture:      Joel 2.18,21-29

Two images dominate this text: the images of locust/plague/devastation, and the image of rain bringing hope and new life.  When Israel was in exile, feeling forgotten by Yahweh, the prophets consoled them with hope. “Do not be afraid," says Joel. If you've ever felt despair over a hopeless situation, the prophets have a word for you. Yes, they dished out the vinegar; but they also gave us honey for the heart.  The prophet insists that God comes in the ordinary experiences of our lives: in times of devastation, and when barns are full; in times of plenty and in times of fear. 

Worship begins at 10:00 am and ALL are welcome.