Angry People will Shake Hands

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Bulletin  Watch


November 27, 2022     ADVENT 1

Scripture:      Isaiah 2.1-5  

Sermon:        ‘Angry people will shake hands’

This year we are sharing an Advent series adapted from hymn-writer and teacher Brian Wren entitled ‘SOMEONE COMES.’   The prophet envisions a time of radical peace: people will come to God, who will teach us God’s way of peace; swords/guns will be turned into plowshares; people ‘ain’t gonna study war no more.’   Can we imagine such peace in this strife-torn year of 2022?  Where do we see signs of such peace?


Worship begins at 10:00 am and ALL are welcome.


IMAGE –  In the 1980’s the city of Washington, D.C. initiated a gun amnesty to try and curb gun violence.  Guns into Plowshares is a sculpture by Mennonite artists Esther Augsburger and Michael Augsburger. It depicts the blade of a giant plow, fashioned out of steel and 3,000 disabled handguns. It is displayed in Judiciary Square in Washington, D.C. outside the main police headquarters.