Thought for the week - Prayers   

The church in Ukraine continues to share the gospel despite the challenges of living amid war. There were camps for youth this summer. Chaplains continue to minister at the front where many are in need of inner healing. Praise God for the opportunity to minister side by side with pastors from other churches (denominations). Pray for deep spiritual nourishment and physical strength for the church leaders who seek to live out the vision the Beatitudes (Mennonite World Conference)  

Local News
and Activities

The Anabaptist Community Bible project:

The Anabaptist Community Bible is a 500th Anniversary of Anabaptism project of MennoMedia, designed for a broad range of Anabaptist readers, and to draw readers deeper in faith and provide opportunities for reflection. This is the first Bible with commentary developed from an Anabaptist perspective.

The bible is not an Anabaptist translation, but rather uses and existing translation, the Common  English Bible (CEB).  The CEB is a scholarly translation, not a paraphrase. But it is also highly readable, intended for an 8th grade reading level. In the spirit of the 16th century Anabaptists, this is a truly a “peoples’ Bible,” readily accessible to a wide range of ordinary people.  The "peoples' Bible" concept is based on the source of the commentary.  Menno Media put out an invite hoping for 500 groups of Anabaptists from around the world to contribute their current reflections on scripture.  They received more than 500 responses, among them a response from MRMC.  We were given three (3) passages to comment on.

This ad hoc small group from the congregation got together and worked on how they understand and respond to the three passages of scripture that were assigned to us.  Their commentary was submitted to the committee that is editing and assembling the bible.   The three passages that they worked on are Leviticus 23 and 24, Mark 15:33-47 and Psalm 32.

Pre-orders at discounted prices are available now. There are three formats: Hardcover at $55.49, Soft-Touch (imitation leather) $64.49, and Limited-Edition Genuine Leather at $152.49. We are preparing a group order from the church to save on shipping costs. If you would like to be part of the group, please contact the church office or Joy K. Payment will be required once the order is placed, but the details for that are still being finalized.

The deadline for ordering is Tuesday, October 1, 2024. See The Anabaptist Community Bible: 3 Editions ( for more details about the editions



Community Barbeque

Our Celebrate Summer event took place on June 16.  It was a community project planned to happen in Scott Park, sponsored by the Westmount and Mount Royal community associations and Mount Royal Mennonite church.  
But it rained. 
However the 35 volunteers from the community and the church pivoted.  The cooks and the barbeque remained outdoors but the rest of the activities moved into the church gym.  And thanks to the efforts and flexibility of the volunteers we were still able to welcome about 200 community members to the party. 
Great work crew! 
Check out some photos.

April 21, 2024 Installation of
Pastor Emily Summach

2023 Christmas Project

Our annual Christmas project this year is the Prairie Harm Reduction Family Apartment.  They are in constant need of diapers, pull-ups, formula, hygiene and menstrual products.  Below are a couple of photos from our initial donation.  We are accepting donation of needed products and money gifts designated to PHR Christmas project. 
See herefor ways to donate through the church, or go directly to the Prairie Harm Reduction website

PHR staff accepting our first donation                            PHR Thank-you as posted on their Instagram
of collected materials                                                                                                   page                 


Pickle Ball

Pickle Ball is happening.  Monday & Wednesday evenings beginning at 6 PM and Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 PM.  If you would like to be part of this, please use our contact form to request more information. Please be sure to include your contact information so that we can get back to you. 
 contact form

Baby Boomers plus

Thursdays 10:30 AM

Baby Boomers have been entering their retirement for a few years already, while some are still working at jobs outside the home. This stage of life is a time of transition, sometimes entered with joy, at other times with real soul searching. A group of Boomers get together each week for conversation and mutual support and encouragement. And sometimes there are additional get togethers which include food. These conversations serve to normalize this stage of life, create community for the long haul and develop a creative life environment. Social and spiritual needs are addressed. 

Forever in Motion

Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9:30- 10:15 AM

Come join your neighbours as we engage in low-intensity workouts twice a week. As we work at strength training and improve our balance and flexibility, we are careful to begin with warm-ups and end with stretches. Exercises are led by trained Forever in Motion personnel which help to keep us upright and moving while we build community with some great friends. Proof of Vaccination is expected as are masks and physical distancing – all to keep ourselves and each other safe and healthy. Come join us!

Favorite Foods for Future Generations

Does your family have any favorite recipes? Are there particular meals that you enjoy preparing more than the others? Or do you use the same “old” recipe over and over because your family likes it?
Here we have an opportunity to share some of your favorite recipes and include a story that has helped to make it so.